Let's talk about me, shall we!!!
WELL... My day started about 2AM this morning! I woke to Evan screaming and crying bloody murder. It absolutely scared me to death! I think that I threw the covers completely off the bed leaving Eric to fend for himself. (Which, by the way, I wish that I knew how guys can sleep through crying and screaming...?)
After throwing the covers off the bed, I made a mad dash down the pitch black hallway. As I was making my last turn before getting to his voice, I was accidentally introduced to the wall, which resulted in a beautiful bruise on my right arm. I continued toward his voice, this time with with a little more caution to walls. If only I had turned on the light... I found slimy, gooey, wetness on the bottom of my foot just before I got to him, and when I finally had him in my arms, I figured out why he was crying...
Evan was throwing up. He threw up all over me. (This is the second time this has occurred in my life, and to my dismay, it really doesn't bother me. I would rather be covered in my child's throw up, than his diarrhea!) We always have to think positively, don't we!
Unfortunately, I am not one of those moms that stays calm, however. I am a sympathetic "freaker-outer." If someone is freaking out about something, I will go right along with it, wholeheartedly! So, of coarse, I started to loudly but quietly call Eric and try to wake him up. In the mean time, Evan started throwing up more, so I practically threw him into the bathroom and told him to throw up in the toilet. He said it was too hard, so he continued to vomit on my new bathroom rug! About that time, I finally hear Eric, teetering and tottering into Evan's room followed by, "OH YUCK! WHAT did I just STEP IN!" Calmly, I replied, "Evan is throwing up."
Eric is amazing! He made sure that Evan was okay, and immediately started cleaning the carpet and taking off the sheets on Evan's bed! (The carpet in my house, for those of you who may have read my previous blog entries, will never be the same after this week! I have Lysoled it about a dozen times! And the mess the dog made earlier has discolored my beautiful green carpet! If I were a country singer, I would write a song about it!)
In the mean while, Evan and I are getting him washed off and changed, and getting the "throw up taste" out of his mouth,and trying to get it out of his nose too. The one problem he has is that he doesn't understand how to BLOW his nose. Instead, he sniffs, and that doesn't help a thing! About an hour later I am trying to get him to calm down and go to sleep. He was still shaking from the event, and his nose would not stop burning. I tried rubbing his back, bur he didn't want to be touched. So, I finally decided that we should watch "Meet ME In St. Louis!" That put him to sleep in no time, but I forgot about him and watched the movie. (What an idiot!) I finally started realizing I was tired when Judy Garland started singing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."
So, I turned the movie off, and carefully went to bed! The Lord was gracious because Emily slept in until 7:45am, so I got a few more hours. I got up and called work and requested a substitute for Grace Camp. We were going to have a day at home!!! The only thing we did out was go and pick up our vacuum cleaner from the repair shop!
The rest of the day we spent having "school." I have been trying to work with them at home on the basics -- colors, numbers, counting, writing, reading, letter recognition, manipulative's, etc. So we were busy for the rest of the day! We did a craft and worked on our memory verse for the week. We made spaghetti with meatballs, we played play-doe, we colored, we did puzzles, we read Bible stories, we reviewed color,number and shape flashcards, we played number bingo, we played the "Ladybug" game, we practiced making patterns, and segregating colors in the correct box! We had a blast!
At the end of the day, I was cleaning up and reorganizing some of our school supplies. Emily and Evan were off doing their own thing, and all was great -- until...
I learned that Emily had flushed an entire Mega-roll of Charmin down the toilet. Well, I went on a search for the plunger, and while I stepped out to look, Evan needed to go to the bathroom, so he used the same toilet that had just been stuffed full of toilet paper. For those of you who want to know, he didn't do number 1 or number 2... he did number 3 -- YES! DIARRHEA!!
AND... Emily flushed for him while I was wiping his bottom!!
I threw the kids out of the bathroom, and moved my, now clean, new rug, and began plunging in the diarrhea water as it is spilling over the top onto my feet! (For those of you who may not know this -- I don't do DIARRHEA!!) After a few desperate blows with the plunger, all was clear and the #3 ceased from tormenting me!) I finally got the bathroom cleaned up and BLEACHED! I used steaming hot water everywhere...I think that it may be cleaner than an operating room right now.
Well, dinner time came quickly after that little nasty episode! The kids wanted turkey and Texas Toast. That was easy! I made the toast, and then they both wanted a second piece. I made them another and placed it in the middle of the kitchen table to cool off. I saw Emily eat hers, so I assumed that Evan ate his...
A little while later Evan asked me where his toast was. I told him that he ate it, and he said he hadn't. Both of our eyes immediately went to innocent Emily and then to Dollie (her sidekick in crime!) I told Emily NOT to give Dollie fancy bread, and to apologize to Evan. I then made ANOTHER piece for Evan. I put it on the counter -- high, so that she couldn't get it while it cooled, and guess who got it anyhow!
I waled into the kitchen and Emily and the Sundance Dog were doing tricks. Emily was telling Dollie to roll over, and Dollie was doing very well! I figured out why all too quickly when I saw what she had in her hand... Just as I was telling her to give it to me, Dollie snatched it up and ate another piece!!! I kicked both Dollie and Emily out of the kitchen for the rest of the night, and Evan finally got his bread!!! It was funny once he finally got it. He screamed very loud if anyone came close to him and his bread!
I put the kids to bed, and was about to start my evening chores, when Eric walked in with a mountain of work in his hands, and said those magic words, "Can you help me with something?" I said yes, and "saintfully" helped him with his work! Well, I am off to bed for who knows what adventures await tomorrow!
Oh you poor dear. I know the events themselves really weren't funny, but you retelling was absolutely hilarious! Jonas has learned how to open and close doors so that's been fun as I have been shut in the kitchen more than once not able to open the door because he is sitting just on the other side! I miss you! - Bronwyn
Is there ever a dull moment in your life? I love reading your funny stories!
Catherine you are so funny!! I am so sorry that all these events with your kids provide such good entertainment for others, but, well, they do. Please remind me that if I ever come to your house to keep my shoes ON!
This is the funniest story I have ever read. If only other mothers could laugh at the insanity of our daily journey with our children!! You really need to write some "Chicken Soup for a Mother's Soul" series. It would be a best seller.
Love you dearly,
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