My husband's grandmother, "Maw Maw", as she is known, is staying with us for a period of time. She is 93. She is a very upbeat 93 year old however, and when she knows what card game she's playin', there's no one that can beat her. But, being 93 also means that you don't remember everything so well. She knows that she forgets, but to her that's just part of the adventure. If she forgets something we told her, and then remind her that we already said it, then she just laughs it off, and says that we should be greatful that she can hear it for the first time -- the second time too! So, I guess that's where our little "adventure" as she would call it, begins.
Day 1
Well, my day began at 4:13 this morning when the hall light abruptly flipped on. I looked over to see that Eric was still sound asleep, so I needed to go and see who was up turning on the lights. I walked into the hallway to find Maw Maw looking around her room. (We converted my daughter Emily's room into her room, and now my son, Evan, and Emily are sharing a bedroom). She looked a little confused, but then I began to wonder, "what if she's sleep walking... maybe I shouldn't say anything." So, I hid around the corner where she couldn't see me, and listened to figure out what she was doing. Finally, once I decided that she was NOT sleep walking, i decided to ask her if everything was okay, and she looked at me with her precious little face, and gave me the biggest toothless grin you have ever seen. She said she was fine, but had no idea where she was. I told her who I was and wehre she was and told her to go back to bed. She crawled back into bed and stayed there for about 20 minutes... then she forgot where she was again, got up and turned on all the lights, and I went back and reminded her who I was and where she was... this went on once more and then I decided I was awake for the day.